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10 entries.
Jörg Waßmer from Hannover wrote on 02/03/2025
It's a shame how this website and his presence on streaming services has been maintained after he died in 2016. Nobdoy seems to care at all.
Jim wrote on 02/07/2022
I am a huge fan of jazz, but to my shame I have to admit that somehow the name George Robert never rang a bell. Maybe because it's because George and Robert are such common names. I have only recently discovered George Robert through this wonderful "George Robert Plays Michel Legrand" album. Boy, is the sound of the Saxophone impeccable, and the wonderful Orchestral arrangements are simply superb. So sorry to read that the artist has passed away already. My best regards to his family. A new fan, Jim.
Gijs Leffelaar from Haarlem wrote on 05/27/2017
It is to my utter disbelief that I have found out about the death of George Robert. Only a short periode after his colleague and friend Phil Woods has passed away.
Luckily I had the chance to see them, my two most favorite musicians, play together in Bimhuis Amsterdam.
Tagsmani from Tagsmani wrote on 05/27/2017
Fantastic article ! You havemade several very smart accounts and also I grasp the the effort you have put into the record. It is release to you know what you are writing about. I remain excited to read far more regarding your sites content.
Atomic Redster S9
Franziska Witmer from Corseaux wrote on 01/20/2017
Dear George and family, after many months I finally find the words to say : the Verbierfestival festoff' would never have been what it was without you ! Thank you George! RIP
David Ensfield from London wrote on 04/19/2016
Thank you dear George for all the wonderful music and all your unique projects you worked on.
you've always inspired me. Goodbye
Paul Tantanini, Jazzclub Bülach from Bülach wrote on 04/04/2016
Liebe Familie Robert,
Mein herzliches Beieid. Ein grosser Musiker, lieber Freud und wunderbarer Mensch hat uns verlassen. Lieber George, Ich bin dankbar für Deine Musik und Freunschaft die ich erleben durfte und dass ich Deine Musik mit grossartigen Konzerten (Clark Terry, Phil Woods, Kenny Barron u.a.m.) vielen Jazzfreunden präsentieren konnte. Mit grosser Hoffnung und Zuversicht planten wir ein weiteres Konzert mit Deinem jüngsten Quartett mit Dado Moroni, Peter Washington und Jeff Hamilton. "New Life" heisst Dein musikalisches Vermächtnis mit diesen grossartigen Musikern - Damit bleibst Du und Deine Musik nun für immer in unseren Herzen. Ciao Geroge......
Dr. Jörg O. Rüttgers from Ch-8752 Näfels wrote on 03/23/2016
Liebe Familie Robert, libe Fans von George,
gerade wollte ich schauen ob George wieder am internationalen Jazz Festival in Bern spielt und dann sehe ich die Nachricht, dass er uns schon verlassen hat. Ich bin erschüttert und erinnere mich an seinen grossartigen Auftritt 2015 in Marias Jazzroom mit Bob Mintzer...Ich kann es noch gar nicht glauben. Mein tiefes Mitgefühl sende ich Ihnen Familie Robert. Er wird mir immer wie an diesem Abend Inspiration und Begeisterung für das Saxophonspiel geben, ich bin Dir sehr dankbar George! Dr. Jörg O. Rüttgers, Näfels/GL
Stewy von Wattenwyl from Spiegel b.Bern wrote on 03/21/2016
Thanks for your wonderful music and everything you did for us. Stewy
Brigitte Annoff from Schlieren wrote on 03/20/2016
Thank you, dear George, for all you have done for the jazz music in Switzerland. My thoughts are with the family. May you find comfort and strenght.